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In a World of White Bread, Be a Baguette

Now think about a baguette. It's exotic, it's crusty , it's airy, it's delicious and it's sexy as hell (and not just because it's a giant, hot Phallic symbol you can bite into). The baguette is the a... ...more


March 01, 20232 min read

In a World of White Bread, Be a Baguette

If Everyone is Your Customer, Then No One is Your Customer

By connecting with the people who want/need whatever fantabulous goods or service you're offering. CONNECTING. I put it in bold because that, my friends, is the key to success, all shiny and gold and ... ...more


March 01, 20234 min read

If Everyone is Your Customer, Then No One is Your Customer

Three Letters That Can Save Your Business

What is your WHY in your business? Entrepreneurs or business owners don't just start their business. There's always a reason behind. ...more


March 01, 20235 min read

Three Letters That Can Save Your Business

Five Reasons Why Your Business Needs Publicity

Publicity allows businesses, like yours, to communicate with your audiences, usually through a neutral third party organization, such as radio, newspapers, television, podcasts, magazines, and blogs. ...more


March 01, 20234 min read

Five Reasons Why Your Business Needs Publicity
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